McClay Custom Homes, Inc.
Bill McClay
315 Metcalf Street
New Bern, NC 28562
Most of the homes which have been built in Carolina Colours have been custom homes, but many others are being constructed and offered for sale by regional and national builders are constructing homes for sale. All homes have been built by licensed contractors who have been admitted to the Carolina Colours Builder Program, a prerequisite to building in the community. Among other requirements, each admitted builder must:
All approved builders are familiar with the Protective Covenants and design guidelines for each neighborhood within Carolina Colours, including minimum size requirements, impervious surface limitations as imposed by the State, and allowed materials. All plans must be approved by the Improvement Review Committee of the Carolina Colours Association, Inc., the master association of property owners within Carolina Colours, and all approved builders are required to be familiar with the standards that govern review and approval of both home and landscape plans.
Our Featured Builders have a portfolio of plans that many home site owners select from, often with modifications to address particular owner needs. Our Featured Builders also create custom plans, following client meetings, to fit the style and budgetary objectives of the client.
All owners who have caused a home to be constructed by one of our approved builders are urged to complete and return to us a satisfaction survey. Most elect to do so. We insist that our builders get consistently high marks if they wish to remain on our team. In our most recent batch of responses from owners we were pleased to note not only did all of our builders get very high marks (95% of question responses were “excellent” with the other 5% being “good,”, with no “average” or “poor” answers, with the questions covering a number of components of the building process), but every respondent stated they would recommend their builder to a friend. Several added notes, including the following:
MAHER CONSTRUCTION: “Mike (contractor), Jane (office/wife) and staff provided an excellent building experience with close attention to detail and completion was ahead of schedule.”
SCHEPER AND COMPANY: “Rick (contractor) was a pleasure to deal with. He did everything he promised on time and within our budget. We are very happy with our new home and extremely pleased with Rick.”
Bill McClay
315 Metcalf Street
New Bern, NC 28562
Jason Arthur
Mike Maher
128 Market Street
New Bern, NC 28562
Rick Scheper
3962 MLK Blvd.
New Bern, NC 28562
George Zaytoun
312 S. Front Street
New Bern, NC 28560
131 Racine Drive, Suite 201,
University Corporate Center 2,
Wilmington, NC 28403
Jeremy Jackson
175 Independence Blvd.
Newport, NC 28570
110-A Shields Park Drive
Kernersville, NC
3104 Arendell St.
Morehead City, NC 28557